

0-day streak
Day 10: was not able to finish the project but tried to supply more power to heat up the plates Got a bigger temp difference from last time.
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Day 9: In order to try and test whether voltage from a peltier plate could power another plate, I quickly setup this circuit. It seemed to cause a very subtle difference on the lettered side.
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Day 8, tried to make the alpha run on the thermo electric plates but it wouldn't. I guess the alpha needs a lot more heat. Will try to hook up more of eltier plates tomorrow to see if a considerable amount of voltage can be produced.
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Day 7: tried to connect the plates in series but was surprised to see that it only produced 0.2 colts. I might have to try more plates next time.
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Day 6 of 10: was not able to do much today but wanted to get a rough estimate on rpm of gamma type engine off of source.since there are 5 spokes, it seems to have 100 rpm but this will increase with the heat increase I hope.
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Day 5, Couldn't do very much today. I tried to generate electricity from body heat of my hand and got a max of about 0.12 V. It seems like I really need the cooling side to create the heat differential. I will try to build that manifold.
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Day 4 of 10: Got to see some exciting and disappointing results with the peltier plates. They work for sure but they did not produce as much voltage as I anticipated. I guess I need to add ice to the other side. But hey! I got 0.5 Volts of electricity produced by a tea candle! Next it is going to be body heat!
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Day 3/10: Finally started to experiment with the thermoelectric plates. They seem to die out after a while, will have to conduct more research on that. But for now, it kind of makes a low temperature gamma stirling engine run a little bit. I maybe using the wrong power source as well.
Day 2/10 of #hardware. Got the alpha type engine running. It clocked in around 2000 rpm I believe. It is way faster! Just might have to figure out how to connect motor.
Day One: Fixed up the gamma type stirling engine and got it running on hot water. Can't wait to get the alpha type engine running! Its way faster!