

0-day streak
whw day 10 at last, the keyboard is finally done (sort of) it was intended to be a top mount, but i cant screw anything because the threads aren't aligned and i didn't model it properly i'll probably get a proper case 3d printed eventually, but for now, this will make do overall, the whole project was pretty fun, except for spending 8 days desoldering a single keyboard as a bonus since its the last day, here's a (mediocre) typing test
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whw day 9 lubed all the switches, all thats left is soldering the stabilizers are kinda overlubed, but im too lazy to fix it
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whw day 8 i finally got (almost) all of the switches out ignore the three remaining switches, those are a lost cause the new desoldering pump was a life saver
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whw day 7 i desoldered all of the switch pins, now all i need is to desolder the leds i'm also getting a new desoldering pump today, which is nice
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day 6 of whw taking a break from desoldering today flashed my pcb and it seems to work
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day 5 of whw fortunately, i will have time to work on this in the coming days, and i also managed to get a switch out today i also desoldered a few more switch joints, but leds are still a nuisance
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whw day 4 unfortunately i wont be able to desolder today (and the next two days) , but at least i bought some things that can help me clean my soldering iron tips
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whw day 3 i take back what i said about desoldering leds consistently, i couldnt take even one out today if anyone has tips on cleaning a soldering iron tip (pun intended), id appreciate it other than that, i desoldered a few joints, not much but its progress
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day 2 of whw i think i figured out how to consistently desolder the leds, and now i desoldered nearly an entire row still a bit tedious, but it's much better than yesterday
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day 1 of whw scuffed soldering setup? check absolutely no experience? check yep, its desoldering time