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#scrapbook I have made an e-commerece website to hone my frontend skills, github link: here is a little demo of the website on my localhost:
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Chatapp • *Frontend:* React (for a user-friendly and interactive interface) • *Backend:* Node.js (to handle server-side operations efficiently) • *Real-time Communication:* <http://Socket.IO|Socket.IO> (for seamless two-way communication between browsers and the server) • *Database:* MongoDB (for flexible storage of chat data and user information) *Key Features (Customizable):* • *User Management:* Streamlined user registration and login processes. • *Chat Rooms:* Create and join private or public chat rooms to cater to diverse communication needs. • *Real-time Messaging:* Exchange text messages instantly, fostering a sense of presence and active interaction. *Getting Started:* 1. *Prerequisites:* ◦ Node.js (<>) and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. ◦ A code editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, WebStorm). ◦ Basic understanding of React, Node.js, <http://Socket.IO|Socket.IO>, and MongoDB. 2. *Clone the Repository:* 3. git clone <> *Install Dependencies:* ```cd chat-app-chatzy npm install``` *Configure Database:* • Set up a MongoDB database instance. • Create a configuration file (e.g., `.env`) to store MongoDB connection details (URI, username, password). *Run the Application:* • Start the development server: • npm start • ◦ ◦ The application will typically run on `<http://localhost:3000>` (or a custom port specified in the code). *Project Structure (Example):* ```chat-app-chatzy/ ├── client/ # React frontend code │ ├── src/ │ │ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components │ │ ├── App.js # Main application component │ │ └── ... # Other frontend files ├── server/ # Node.js backend code │ ├── index.js # Server entry point │ ├── routes/ # API routes for user management, chat, etc. │ ├── models/ # Data models for users, messages, etc. │ └── ... # Other backend files ├── public/ # Static assets (e.g., images, styles) ├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts ├── .env # Database connection details (if applicable) └── # This file``` githublink : <>
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Full Stack Image Generation App Description This application allows users to generate images from text descriptions using a Dalle-based model. It combines a frontend user interface for submitting text prompts and a backend server for processing those prompts and generating images. Tech Stack • Frontend: [Frontend Technology] (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) • Backend: [Backend Technology] (e.g., Python with Flask or Django, Node.js with Express) • Machine Learning Model: Dalle (or similar image generation model) Installation 1. Clone this repository: 2. git clone 3. Install dependencies:
# Navigate to the project directory
cd full-stack-image-generation-app

# Install frontend dependencies (adjust based on your chosen framework)
npm install  # or yarn install

# Install backend dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt  # or npm install  (if using Node.js)
3. Set up the Dalle model:
    ◦ Download the pre-trained Dalle model weights (if applicable).
    ◦ Configure the backend code to load the model weights from the correct location.
    ◦ Follow the instructions for setting up the Dalle model (these may vary depending on the specific implementation you're using).
*Running the application*
1. Start the backend server:
2. #  (For Python backend)
3. python backend/
5. #  (For Node.js backend)
6. node backend/server.js
Run the frontend development server:
#  (adjust based on your chosen framework)
npm start  # or yarn start
Access the application in your web browser at localhost:3000 (or the port specified in your frontend configuration). github link:
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Compliment Me! - Read Me This project is a full-stack web application built with React that generates and displays compliments to brighten someone's day! Features • Generates a variety of compliments on-demand. • Offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. • Built using modern React and full-stack development practices. Technologies Used • Frontend: React.js github link :
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Gemini Chatbot Interface with Streamlit Overview This project is a Streamlit-based chat application that interacts with the Gemini AI model, allowing users to engage in conversations with an artificial intelligence assistant. The application stores chat history, allowing users to revisit and continue previous conversations. <| > Getting Started Dependencies This code uses the following libraries: • `streamlit`: for building the user interface. • `gemini`: for chat • Gemini API key: Get it from <|Google AI Studio> Usage Follow these steps to set up and run the project: 1. Create a virtual environment: ```python3 -m venv myenv source myenv/bin/activate .\myenv\Scripts\activate

1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Run the Streamlit server:
streamlit run
1. Access the application in your browser at localhost:8501. 2. Start chatting with the assistant! github link:
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Github link : Commit link : I have achieved a major milestone in my project reposeek by completing the homePage and loginpage, my next milestone would be to make its backend About Reposeek is a productivity tool designed to help developers identify useful starred repositories. Many developers star repositories they like or plan to use in the future, but often don't revisit them. Reposeek aims to solve this problem by finding the perfect starred repo(s) for your project. How it works 1. Tell Reposeek about your project 2. Reposeek analyzes your starred repositories 3. It matches your project needs with the most relevant starred repos 4. Reposeek presents you with the perfect starred repo(s) for your project Features • Intelligent matching of project requirements with starred repos • Time-saving tool for developers • Helps rediscover valuable resources you've already identified Reposeek - Find the stars in your GitHub constellation.
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github emoji
# HTTP Server with Panic Recovery This Go program demonstrates a simple HTTP server that handles panics and recovers from them. The server listens on port 3000 and responds to three different routes: - /: Returns a simple "Hello!" message. - /panic/: Triggers a panic and demonstrates how the server recovers from it. - /panic-after/: Returns a "Hello!" message and then triggers a panic, demonstrating how the server recovers from it even after sending a response. The server uses a middleware function to recover from panics and return a 500 Internal Server Error response to the client. # Prerequisites - Go 1.16 - Internet connection # Installation - Clone the repository
git clone
# Routes - /: Returns a simple "Hello!" message. - /panic/: Triggers a panic and demonstrates how the server recovers from it. - /panic-after/: Returns a "Hello!" message and then triggers a panic, demonstrating how the server recovers from it even after sending a response. # Panic Recovery Mechanism The recoverMw function is a middleware that wraps the main application handler. It uses a deferred function to catch any panics that occur during the execution of the application handler. If a panic is caught, it logs the error and returns a 500 Internal Server Error response to the client. github link : commit link :
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GOJWT GoJWT is a simple RESTful API built with Go and the Gin framework. It provides basic user authentication functionality, including signup, login, and token validation. Features • User signup • User login • JWT token generation • JWT token validation Tech Stack • Go • Gin • PostgreSQL • Gorm (for database interactions) Github link: Commit link:
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Currency Converter ===================== A simple command-line currency converter written in Go. Usage To use the converter, run the program with three arguments: • amount: the amount of money to convert • from_currency: the currency to convert from (e.g. "EUR", "USD", etc.) • to_currency: the currency to convert to (e.g. "GBP", "JPY", etc.) API Endpoint The converter uses the ExchangeRate-API to fetch the latest exchange rates. You can replace the apiURL constant in the code with your own API endpoint if needed. github-link : github-commits :
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Building Websites With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Getting Started Tools The following tools help make easier to work with sample code. • git: A tool for managing source code • Visual Studio Code: A source code editor • Live Server: A simple web server utility for Visual Studio Code • Echo Post: A simple Node.js server utility that displays post data. Setup If you installed git you can clone the code to your machine, or download a ZIP of all the files directly. [Download the ZIP from this location] or run the following git command to clone the files to your machine: Github repo-link: Github commit link:
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This is a Restaurant Web Page for a fictional collab P.S: I know the premise for the website doesn't make a whole lot of sense, it was just the first two things that came to my mind when I thought of making this website. Note: This Website works best with High Resolution Screens (1080p and up). Built With • Vanilla JS • HTML5 • CSS3
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