

0-day streak
Final arcade update for my java RL library: • Updated the network architecture in the example program • Different layer types • (Spent wayyyy too long trying to debug why my DDQN Agent would not learn lol) GitHub
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Final arcade update for my python virtual assistant library: • Added some basic RAG • Updated the readme to include basic example usage GitHub
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My final update for WaffleOS (as part of arcade i mean, I'll definitely be continuing this!!) What changed?: • I switched from a single stage to a 2 stage bootloader as I ended up exceeding the 512 byte limit • Did a bunch of work trying finish the filesystem implementation • ✨ Updated the readme ✨ • Added a general datastructures header file to clean things up GitHub
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I've been working on creating a simple-ish java reinforcement learning library from scratch as a research project for some time now, here are some of the features (though there are more): • Custom environment creation • Network architecture design (incl. activation functions) ◦ Different layer types (Batch normalization, MLP layers, Convolutional layers) • Agent creation (only Double DQN at the moment though) • (Relatively) Efficient matrix multiplication incl. parallel processing • Adam optimizer • Progress tracking via numerous visualization tools
WaffleOS (named this way because it is incredibly verbose) is a 32 bit operating system written primarily in C. The CLI is designed to be Unix-like to make it more friendly to newcomers. The goal of this project is to design an open source operating system which can visualize core OS processes to demystify how they actually work. And it runs in a VM so you can keep using your current OS for work/gaming/etc!
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Day 1 of working on my Java DQN library: Today I implemented DQN agents, along with some basic training which needs to be refined. I also did some work on environment handling so now the DQNs will be able to train on different environment types GitHub
Day 2 of working on my python library for easily creating virtual assistants: Today I improved RAG and added functionality for calling a search engine to find more reference documents. I also added ConversationSummaryMemory, to allow for indefinite conversation length. GitHub
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Day 1 of working on a python library for easy to use virtual assistants: I managed to get a decent amount of work done, as you can already create your own chatbot using any gguf that you have. My goal is to add speech recognition, text to speech, RAG + maybe image recognition GitHub
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Day 10 of working on my operating system & teaching tool: Most of the work today way trying to get my kernel and bootloader to be written to the os image properly, while also initialising a proper filesystem, which should eventually allow people to load other files into the os image and have them accessible when running it. GitHub
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Day 9 of working on my OS/operating system teaching tool: Today I did a lot of work and research into memory allocation and the general structure of a memory management system. I also started work on adding support for different partition types (GPT / MBR) GitHub
Day 8 of working on my OS for teaching how operating systems work in an interactive/hands-on manner: Today I continued my FAT driver and started work on a memory library with some basic memory manipulation functions. GitHub
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Day 7 of working on an OS for teaching OSDev (NASM for Bootloader, C for the kernel): Today I completed ATA device identification, and fully finished my ATA PIO mode disk driver. Lastly defined a load of structs for laying out my filesystem, with the goal of being compatible with FAT12/16/32 (maybe exFAT further down the line but I'm not so sure). GitHub
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Day 6 of writing an OS from scratch in NASM and C: Today I corrected the PIT initialization and functionality to keep a record of the amount of time passed since startup, as well as polishing up standard output. Also, I did the groundwork for changing the foreground and background colors for the OS, so after implementing argument handling I should be able to change the system colors! GitHub
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Day 5 of making an OS in C and assembly, for teaching the functionality behind them: Today I finally finished my ATA PIO mode disk driver! I also did some more work on simplifying my IRQ setup so that it will be easier to add more interrupts, and began work on implementing interrupts from the Programmable Interval Timer (IRQ0), but I still have some work to do before it is fully functional. Hopefully I'll be able to implement a file system soon too! GitHub
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Day 4 of making an OS in C and assembly, for teaching the functionality behind them: Today I continued working on my disk driver, and chose to go with ATA PIO mode as it's supposedly easier to implement. I ended up running into some issue with general protection faults however, so that is something I need to deal with tomorrow! GitHub
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Day 4 of making an OS in C and assembly, for teaching the functionality behind them: Today I continued working on my disk driver, and chose to go with ATA PIO mode as it's supposedly easier to implement. I ended up running into some issue with general protection faults however, so that is something I need to deal with tomorrow! GitHub
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Day 3 of making an OS in C and assembly, for teaching how they work: Today I finally fixed keyboard inputs, wrote a few commands and also started to implement a file system! GitHub
Day 2 of programming an OS for teaching operating system functions: Today I worked on booting in protected mode and into a small kernel i wrote in C! I also implemented standard output. GitHub