

0-day streak
WHW Day 14 ❄️ : I asked my Digital Electronics teacher about how to create the multiple connections in my wiring diagram, shown below, and he told me that I could just use a tiny breadboard to carry the current of a wire to multiple connections; I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t think of that before but I’m excited to wire that up tomorrow!!!
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WHW Day 13 🤠 : Worked on tedious soldering today… I reached out to my dad to see if he could help me out, and he taught me how to “join” together wires using a lighter and tape which worked (I think) 😅! I technically don’t have much left with the wiring, but I’m going to ask my teacher about how to join wires together, because my dad’s method seemed sketchy… Here’s pictures of the soldering and the wire joint created today:
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WHW Day 12: I’ll be honest, no progress was made today, didn’t have time to work on my eye project today, but I was able to attend the zoom meeting today to see everyone else’s project! 🤩 Y’all are too cool!!! I did attach little Lego eyes on the main base for now, until I sand down and paint the eyes I 3D printed, though, so there’s a picture of that 👁️ Looking forward to wiring and soldering tomorrow!
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Day 11 of WHW 🤠 I managed to get a couple of wires soldered into my servo board today, so that was fun, and I borrowed the soldering iron from my teacher to work on the project this weekend 🤩 Here’s a little glimpse of what was wired/soldered today:
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Day 10 of WHW: Kind of disappointed that I wasn’t able to finish today, but I know exactly what I have left so I know exactly what to do and how to finish. I somehow managed to not realize that I had to solder wires onto the Adafruit Server Driver and onto the other loose components, so I will have to wait and do so at school tomorrow 😔 Here’s a picture of me starting to wire and then realizing the soldering problem 🥲 :
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Day 9 of WHW ❄️ : I’m very happy to have made a lot of progress today! I finally assembled all of the parts I 3D printed printed into the main eye base 👁️ 👄 👁️ Now, I just have to wire the electrical components I have (including the Arduino yay 🙃) so that the joystick is able to control the movement of the eyes!
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Day 8: Not too much progress today, unfortunately. I have been suffering from allergies today 💔 I did get the Arduino software downloaded onto my laptop though, so code will probably get uploaded to the one I bought tomorrow! 😃
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WHW Day 7 ⛄: Really good progress today! I attached the x-axis assembly to the main base of the eye mechanism and to the y-axis assembly that was already there, and I started screwing servos into the main servo block. What made me really happy today was finally being able to see how the eyes would be able to move when all of this was done! 🤩
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Day 6: A little more progress on the animatronic-eye mechanism! I really underestimated how hard it would be to screw in really small screws into small parts… but I’m still standing strong
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Day 5: A little late night assembling 😴 🪛 🔧
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Day 4: Finished printing all the parts I need for my little animatronic eye mechanism! I can probably start sanding down parts or screwing parts together tomorrow 🤭
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Day 3: Finally got some prints done today! 😁 Got most of the smaller prints ready (I just have to take the “raft” off of them, I learned what that meant today) and I have a couple of the larger prints left to do tomorrow; So glad to finally see these parts being made!
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Day 2: Unfortunately I have not made much progress yet with my project; I’ve ran into several problems with the 3D printers I planned on using at my school since day 1, so I haven’t been able to print the parts needed for my project 💔 I did manage to figure out what the issue was today, though, so I should be able to start printing tomorrow 😄 , really excited! Here’s a picture of the printer preheating and yelling at me from today: (imagine really loud beeps with it for extra effect)